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Head Coach
Rob Martin

Athletic Director

Chris Deam


"The Night The Names On The Wall Came To Life!
2010 State Finalist Reunion

For those of you who were unable to attend we have posted a pdf version of the finalist program for you to download.


Respect and admiration for Mark’s accomplishments went far beyond medals, award stands, and statistics however. He was twice named the Mike Howard Award winner at the team banquet for being the team Most Valuable wrestler (1997 and 1998). According to IPTV, when asked his “favorite athletes to coach” Dan Gable responded with eight names: Bruce Kinseth, Chuck Yagla, Tom and Terry Brands, Lou and Ed Banach, Royce Alger, and Mark Ironside. Mark earned his undergrad degree in Recreational Sports Management in 1998. At this point there were few athletic world’s left to conquer, however he continued working out with the Hawkeye Wrestling Club. He did not participate in the 1998 Midlands Championships. He did compete in the tournament at Evanston, Illinois the following winter.

1999 Midlands Championships 141 lbs
1. Mark Ironside Hawkeye Wrestling Club
2. Doug Schwab Iowa
3. Scott Schatzman Northwestern
4. Florian Ghinea Montclair State
5. Carl Perry Illinois
6. Dwight Hinson Sunkist Kids
7. Mark Angle Clarion
8. Chris Marshall Central Michigan

This turned out to be Mark’s fourth and final Midlands title, in doing so he set the record for most-wins at the 134/141 lb weight class with 27. His four Iowa Hawkeye Midlands titles are surpassed only by Tim Cysweski (5) and Joe Williams (10).
Mark also competed in freestyle during this time attending world-class open tournaments in Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Poland. The only stone left unturned for Mark was to represent his country at the elite international level. He attempted twice.

1999 Freestyle World Team Trials Seattle, Washington (June 18-19) 138.75 lbs/ 63 Kg
1. Bill Zadick Iowa City, Iowa
2. John Fisher Ypsilanti, Michigan
3. Shawn Charles Mt Pleasant, Michigan
4. Troy Steiner Madison, Wisconsin
5. Mark Ironside Iowa City, Iowa
6. Tony Purler Clarion, Pennsylvania

2000 Freestyle Olympic Team Trials, Dallas Texas (June 22-24) 127.75 lbs/ 58 Kg
1. Terry Brands Iowa City, Iowa
2. Kerry Boumans Colorado Springs, CO
3. Eric Guerrero Stillwater, Oklahoma
4. Mark Ironside Iowa City, Iowa
5. Yero Washington Fresno, California
6. Danny Felix Norman, Oklahoma

After hanging up his wrestling shoes for the last time Mark got married, began working as a sales representative for InSync Sales and Marketing, and built a home in Swisher where he lives today with his wife Samantha and daughters Grace-4, Hannah-3, and Maggie Jo-infant. He continues to feed his passion for Iowa wrestling by serving as color commentator for AM-800 KXIC broadcasting Hawkeye dual meets and tournaments home and away. In addition Mark conducts numerous camps and clinics each year all around the nation. He has produced instructional DVD’s for sale including “Defending against leg-riders”, the “Sit-back series”, and “Cuttin and Struttin” in which he demonstrates techniques in
turkey hunting.
In 2005 Mark was inducted into the Glen Brand Iowa Hall of Fame sponsored by WIN Institute. The award recognizes achievement for those individuals who exhibited greatness in the sport of wrestling and competed in the state of Iowa during their careers. He was presented the award by Glen Brand himself who was an Olympic gold medallist in 1948 after being an NCAA champion for Iowa State.

Editor’s notes: You need not explain to me the greatness of Cael Sanderson, Dan Gable, and Tom Brands. With patriotic pride I watched them win national titles and gold medals, but I did not know them personally. As one of many J-Hawk assistant coaches, I was privileged to participate in and observe most of the steps in Mark’s journey. I can tell you my admiration has not wavered in the nearly twenty years since I first marveled at him. You could tell straight away Mark is a “once in a lifetime” individual. Like numerous others, I am honored to have had a small part in helping out along the way. In watching his example, friends and acquaintances see what they only dream they themselves might have aspired to. His model allows us each to realize what can occur if all the pieces of life’s puzzle come together. Very few individuals I have encountered make me feel as alive as the Ironsides. I am a better person for having been in his family’s presence.
As we celebrate a half century of Jefferson wrestling my hope is that in another fifty years, when those of us who lived the journey with him will no longer be able to chronicle the legend, those who still care deeply about Jefferson wrestling will seek out senior-citizen Mark Ironside, and his progeny, and try even more deeply to understand this remarkable person. He is a first-class gentleman that makes his family, Jefferson High, and the University of Iowa swell with pride.
I cannot ensure there will never be another like him walk the halls of Jefferson. Barring catastrophe the institution should exist into perpetuity. Athletes competing on behalf of local high schools may well be exterminated before the school itself vanishes. I do not fool myself into thinking his records may never be equaled. But if my judgment proves correct, I do not imagine the J-Hawk wrestling team will celebrate its 2057 centennial by producing a similar commemorative booklet celebrating some future alumnus who matched or exceeded his character and accomplishments. In my mind God broke the mold when creating him, there will never be another Mark Ironside.

John Hegarty

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Our very own Mark Ironside,
Two-Time State Champion
has been inducted to the
Iowa Wrestling Hall of Fame
Class of 2010.
Read the article and more information on the 2010 induction ceremony!
cick here to visit website

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The Predicament Wrestling Newspaper

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